Graduate Program of Economics, Management, and Information Science

Graduate Program of Economics, Management, and Information Science


 Graduate program of Economics, Management, and Information Science have three research branches, Economics, Management, and Information Science, to provide high-level research and education applying to undergraduate program. At the same time, this program provides education along with the development of each branch and needs of the local economy.



 The Graduate Program in Economics, Management & Information Science focuses on fostering vocational specialists with rich specialized knowledge and practical experience. Needless to say, we accept ambitious students who wish to progress PhD programs at other graduate schools to become a professional researcher.

Features to build up the ability for vocational specialists:

1.        Economics, Management, and Accounting have a history of development through unique processes in the academic area. It is very important to build up a clear sense of actual politics, economy, and society by associating with their various outcomes, and foster practical problem-solution ability in each field.

2.        Practical education actively using information technology is crucial. It is important both to study theory, and to collect and analyze practical data of Economics, Management, and Accounting because information of economy and management is strongly linked with practical use of information technology in modern society.  In our graduate program, we provide students opportunities to fully utilize information materials and deal with information in practical use. Moreover; we provide excellent education to people who wish to deepen information science study and become specialists of this field in the future. Thus, we give education for understanding from global perspectives and construction method in information network system on the organization level, such as corporations and local society, which is needed to succeed as a member of the information society.

Standard Term of Enrollment and Long-term-registration System

Standard term of enrollment for this program is 2 years; however, long-term-registration of maximum term of four years is possible for adult students in employment. 

Eligibility for Prospective Students

Graduate Program in Economics, Management, and Information Science accepts adult students, international students, auditors, and non-degree students. We also accept long-term-registered students.


Graduate program in Economics, Management, and Information Science is arranged in 4 categories; Basic course, Specialized course, Research practice, and Thesis tutoring as following:



 Students with a High-school Teacher’s License (commerce) who have gained the required units in this master course can get a High-school Teacher’s Specialized License. Students who fulfill required standard for the accountant license are qualified to apply for the exemption of subjects.