
高山 毅
Takayama Tsuyoshi

職名 教授
1995年3月 筑波大学大学院博士課程工学研究科電子・情報工学専攻修了 博士(工学)
1995年7月 広島市立大学情報科学部情報工学科助手
1998年4月 岩手県立大学ソフトウェア情報学部講師
2002年4月 岩手県立大学ソフトウェア情報学部助教授
2007年4月 岩手県立大学ソフトウェア情報学部准教授

2013年4月 尾道市立大学経済情報学部教授
所属学会 情報処理学会、電子情報通信学会、観光情報学会、日本データベース学会、ACM、IEEE Computer Society、日本知能情報ファジィ学会、人工知能学会、ITS Japan、地理情報システム学会

(1) Covid-19からの観光復興を支援するシステム
(2) SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を考慮した観光支援システム
(3) 観光DX(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション)
(4) スマート観光
(5) 観光用Webアプリ開発 

担当科目 情報活用基礎II、プログラミングII、プログラミングII実習、データベース、基礎演習I、特別演習I

 (1) Covid-19からの観光復興を支援するシステム
 (2) SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を考慮した観光支援システム
 (3) 観光DX(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション)
 (4) スマート観光


自己紹介  広島市立大学、岩手県立大学を経て、教員の中でも珍しい三つ目の公立大学(法人)として、尾道市立大学に奉職しています。何事も、大学の中でしか通用しない「机上の空論」では意味がないと考えています。実社会での状況を想定し、「こういう状況に置かれた場合、どうするのが良いのか」、「こうすることが、どう役立つのか」等を、学生さんと一緒に考えていくのが私のポリシーです。
業績 (主な published papers)
(1) J. Wu, T. Takayama, N. Sato, and Y. Murata: "Improvement of Recommendation List Effectiveness Using Familiarity," NAUN International Journal of Systems Engineering, Applications and Development, Vol.7, Issue 1, pp.22-32, 2013.
(2) T. Takayama, S. Kikuchi, Y. Murata, N. Sato, and T. Ikeda:"An Efficient Method for Odor Retrieval," Springer LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)6889, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.160-172, 2011.
(3) Y. Murata, T. Takayama, N. Sato, and K. Kikuchi: “Proposal of a Next Generation Network Architecture Based on Web Service Technology,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E94-B, No.6, pp.1617-1620, 2011.
(4) 高山毅,元田良孝,千葉力也,村田康之,恵津森真仁,村田嘉利,池田哲夫,佐藤永欣,佐野嘉彦:“プローブパーソンによる集合知を用いた路面凍結情報提供方式の提案と評価”,情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.49, No.7, pp.2549-2573, 2008.
(5) 木浪孝治,池田哲夫,村田嘉利,高山毅,武田利明:“看護学分野の専門用語抽出手法の研究”,言語処理学会論文誌「自然言語処理」,Vol.15, No.3, pp.3-20, 2008.
(6) T. Takayama, S. Kikuchi, Y. Hashimoto, T. Ikeda, and Y. Murata: “Extended "2D-RIB" for Impression-Based Satisfactory Retrieval and its Evaluation,” Enformatica International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.24-30, 2007.
(7) 深田秀実, 三田地道明, 沖暁嗣, 池田哲夫, 高山毅, 山本英和, 阿部昭博:”地盤応答震度推定法を組み込んだ地震災害時初動活動支援システムの提案”, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp.1020-1037, 2007.
(8) T. Takayama, H. Sasaki, and S. Kuroda: “Personalization by Relevance Ranking Feedback in Impression-based Retrieval for Multimedia Database,” Journal of Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol.3, No.2, pp.85-89, 2006.
(9) 金子大輔, 高山 毅, 池田哲夫, 長内 亘:“Web文書のページタイプを用いた適応的分類と試作システムの評価”, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌「知能と情報」, Vol.18, No.2, pp.319-336, 2006.
(10) 高山 毅, 池田哲夫, 黒田成行, 武田 優: “固定数の感性語対の値の組合せによる音楽データベース検索のためのインタフェース'2D-RIB'”, 日本データベース学会論文誌DBSJ Letters, Vol.3, No.4, pp.29-32, 2005.
(11) T. Sasaki, T. Takayama, T. Hironaka, and S. Fujino: “Performance Improvement of Thakore's Algorithm with Speculative Execution Technique and Dynamic Task Scheduling”, International Journal of Computing and Informatics Informatica, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.33-38, 2000.
(12) 高山 毅, 弘中哲夫, 藤野清次:”並列環境における投機的実行の導入によるオブジェクト指向データベースシステムの検索応答の高速化”, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.38, No.11, pp.2274-2285, 1997.
(13) 高山 毅,藤代一成,蔡東生,池辺八洲彦:”L-reps: 2次元ディスプレイ上で3次元ピンポイントを可能にする2次元指向幾何変換モデル”,日本図学会誌図学研究, 第67号, pp.3-15, 1995.
(1) J. Wu, T. Takayama, N. Sato, and Y. Murata: “Improving Effectiveness of Recommendation List and its Evaluation,” Proceedings of the 14th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE '12), pp.53-56, 2012.
(2) N. Sato, R. Takamagi, T. Takayama, and Y. Murata: “A Proposal of a Simplified Jumping Distance Measuring Method for Ski Jumper’s Motion Monitoring System using Terrestrial Magnetism Sensors,” Proceedings of the Workshops in AINA 2012, W-ITIS-S2.1, pp.1005-1010, 2012.
(3) A. Choho, N. Sato, T. Takayama, and Y. Murata: “A Proposal of Method for Suspicious Person Detection on P2P Security Camera Network System,” Proceedings of the Workshops in AINA 2012, W-FINA-S19.1, pp.399-405, 2012.
(4) S. Saito, Y. Murata, T. Takayama, and N. Sato: “An International Driving Simulator - Recognizing the Sense of a Car Body by the Simulator -,” Proceedings of the Workshops in AINA 2012, W-FINA-S12.1, pp.254-260, 2012.
(5) K. Kikuchi, Y. Murata, G. Chakraborty, T. Takayama, and N. Sato: “Location Information System for Access Points in the Heterogeneous Wireless Environment,” Proceedings of the Workshops in AINA 2012, W-HWISE-S4.4, pp.538-543, 2012.
(6) N. Sato, M. Oikawa, T. Takayama, and Y. Murata: “An Angle Measurement Method by Using Terrestrial Magnetism Sensors on a Ski Jumper's Motion Monitoring System,” Proceedings of the 14-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2011), pp.60-67, Tirana, Albania. 2011.
(7) H. Sugawara, N. Sato, T. Takayama, and Y. Murata: “Early Evaluation of Road Width Estimation on Rapid Road Map Survey System Using GPS Trajectories as Collective Intelligence,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Technology for Innovative Services (ITIS 2011), in conjunction with The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2011), pp.547-552, 2011.
(8) N. Sato, K. Ueda, J. Suzuki, T. Ishikawa, T. Takayama, and Y. Murata: “A Design and Implementation of a Terrestrial Magnetism and Acceleration Sensor Device for Worker's Motion Tracing System,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Technology for Innovative Services (ITIS 2011), in conjunction with The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2011), pp.541-546, Tirana, Albania. 2011.
(9) H. Sugawara, N. Sato, T. Takayama, Y. Murata: “A Road Location Estimating Method by Many Trajectories to Realize Rapid Map Survey for a Car Navigation System,” Proceedings of 2010 International Workshop on Symbiotic Computing and Multi-agent Systems (SCMAS2010) in conjunction with 2010 International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA2010), pp.806-811, 2010.
(10) M. Oikawa, N. Sato, T. Takayama, Y. Murata: “Design and Implementation of Ski Jumper’s Motion Monitor System by Terrestrial Magnetism and Acceleration Sensors,” Proceedings of the 13rd International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBIS2010), pp.78-85, 2010.
(11) Y. Itoga, Y. Murata, T. Takayama, N. Sato, and N. Kikuchi: “A Proposal of an Authentication Method Based on Personal Difference of Gestures,” Proceedings of the Fourth IFIP WG11.11 International Conference on Trust Management (IFIPTM2010), pp.21-24, 2010.
(12) Y. Murata, D. Sato, Y. Itoga, T. Takayama, N. Sato, and S. Horiguchi: “New Broadcasting System Combined with Radio Broadcasting and WWW,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Services, pp.567-569, 2008.
(13) Y. Murata, Y. Sato, T. Takayama, and N. Sato: “E-Government System Using an Integrated Call Center System and WWW,” accepted in the Workshop of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, to be held on Dec. 9-12, 2008.
(14) T. Takayama, T. Gotoh, M. Ishiki, T. Ikeda, Y. Murata, and N. Satoh: “Method of Hospital-Clinic Cooperation System not Prevented by Difference in Advance Level of IT,” Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2007), pp.530-535, 2007.
(15) S. Kikuchi, Y. Hashimoto, T. Takayama, T. Ikeda, Y. Murata: “Extension and Evaluation of Interface "2D-RIB" for Impression-Based Retrieval,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE 2006), pp.37-42, 2006.
(16) Y. Motoda, T. Takayama, T. Ikeda, Y. Sano, S. Abe, and R. Chiba: “Assessment of a Frozen Road Surface Information System by Public Demonstration,” Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, (CD-ROM), 2005.
(17) T. Gotoh, T. Takayama, M. Ishiki, and T. Ikeda: “A Support System to Consult Remote Another Doctor on Assessment and/or Medical Treatment Plan When a Doctor Has a Patient not in His/Her Major,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence (ICCI2005), pp.221-224, 2005.
(18) T. Takayama, Y. Motoda, S. Kamafuchi, H. Ohkubo, T. Ikeda, Y. Sano, and S. Abe: “Extension of Information System for Frozen Road Surface and its Public Demonstration Experiment,” Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, (CD-ROM), 2004.
(19) T. Takayama, T. Ikeda, H. Sasaki, S. Kuroda, and M. Futamoto: “Personalization by Relevance Ranking Feedback in Impression-based Retrieval for Multimedia Database,” Proceedings of the SCI2004 (The 8th IIIS World Multi-Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics, and Informatics), pp.312-317, 2004.
(20) T. Takayama, T. Ikeda, Y. Takeda, and S. Kuroda: “Proposition of Direct Interface for Multimedia Database Retrieval by the Combination of Impression Values,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, pp.609-612, 2003.
(21) T. Takayama, Y. Motoda, T. Satoh, T. Mizoguchi, Y. Sano: “Effective Information System of Frozen Road Surface,” Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, (CD-ROM), 2002.
(22) T. Sasaki, T. Takayama, T. Hironaka, and S. Fujino: “Performance Improvement of Thakore's Algorithm in Parallel Object-Oriented Databases,” Proceedings of The 1999 International Symposium on Database, Web, and Cooperative Systems (DWACOS'99), pp.123-130, 1999.
(23) T. Takayama, T. Hironaka, and S. Fujino: “Expansion of Video Database Capacity by Introducing Speculative Execution Technique in Parallel Environments”, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, pp.256-259, 1997.
(24) T. Takayama, I. Fujishiro, Y. Ikebe, and D. S. Cai: “L-Reps: A Drafting-Oriented Approach to Unambiguous and Precise Design of 3D Mechanical Products,” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, pp.177-181, 1994.
(25) T. Takayama, I. Fujishiro, and Y. Ikebe: “Product Database Modeling for Adaptive Kinematic Simulation of Planar Linkage Mechanisms,” Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Foundations and CAD/CAM Applications, p.549, 1991.